Monday Oct 09, 2023

40 - Mindfulness and Digestion - A Recipe for Better Digestion, Metabolism and Health

Did you know that digestion starts in the brain?  Did you also know the importance of mindfulness in digestion?  Let’s take a look at how incorporating mindfulness works to improve digestion. Not being mindful when you eat disrupts all parts of the digestive process. Learn ways to get to a mindful way of eating.

I cover the basics of digestion and then dive into the science of mindful eating

Don't forget tips and tricks to get you to a place of mindful eating!

By including mindful eating into your daily routine, you can improve your relationship with food, make healthier choices, and ultimately support your overall health and metabolism. It's a simple yet powerful tool. After all, who doesn't want a healthy metabolism and good  health? Your journey begins with being mindful when you eat. Listen in!

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Jolene - Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

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