Monday Dec 04, 2023

56 - Fermented Foods: The History and Health

Do you love kimchi, kombucha, or yogurt? What if I told you these delicious foods were more than just tasty treats? They're packed with gut-healing power, thanks to a magical process called fermentation.

This podcast dives deep into the fascinating world of fermented foods, from their ancient origins to their modern health benefits. You'll learn:

  • How fermentation has been around for millennia, preserving food and creating unexpected delights (did you know yogurt might have been invented in goat bags carried by camels?)
  • The science behind the gut-healing magic, where probiotics and metabolites work together to create a happy, healthy microbiome
  • How to incorporate ferments into your diet, from choosing store-bought options to fermenting your own (sauerkraut, anyone?)
  • Tips for introducing ferments slowly and safely, so you can avoid any tummy troubles

Ready to unlock the gut-boosting power of fermented foods? This podcast is your guide!

Listen now and discover why fermented foods might be even better than probiotic supplements!


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Jolene - Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

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