Monday Jan 22, 2024

68 - Eat Real Food: The Unprocessed Truth

Tired of diet fads and confusing food choices? This episode is your back-to-basics guide to real food! Learn why ditching processed junk and embracing whole foods is the key to sustainable health and weight loss, even with a busy social life.

Key Takeaways:

  • 90/10 Rule: Aim for 90% whole foods like fruits, veggies, and protein, leaving 10% for occasional treats.
  • Real vs. Processed: Understand the difference between minimally processed (like olive oil) and heavily processed foods packed with additives.
  • Shop Smart: Skip the middle aisles and stick to the perimeter of the grocery store for real food treasures.
  • Social Eating Solutions: Don't fear restaurants! Most offer protein, veggies, and salads – choose wisely and prioritize whole foods.
  • Long-Term Success: Ditch diet dogma and focus on whole foods. Adaptability and consistency are key!
  • Bonus Benefits: Eating real food saves money in the long run, keeps you feeling satisfied, and reduces future healthcare costs.

Ready to transform your health and ditch the confusion? Tune in for practical tips and inspiration to make real food your lifestyle!


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Jolene - Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

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