Tuesday Feb 13, 2024

73 - Digging Deeper: Root Causes Vs. Symptoms

This episode delves into the crucial difference between treating symptoms and addressing root causes for optimal health. Host dives deep into why focusing solely on symptom relief often leads to recurring issues and emphasizes the importance of uncovering the underlying reasons behind your discomfort.

Key Points:

  • Symptoms: Manifestations of internal problems, easily identified but not the actual issue.
  • Root Causes: Fundamental reasons behind symptoms, often hidden and requiring investigation.
  • Examples:
    • Skin tags around the neck (symptom) indicate insulin resistance (root cause).
    • Acne treatment often focuses on topical solutions (symptom) instead of gut health, hormones, etc. (root causes).
    • Arthritis pain relief (symptom) doesn't address immune system imbalance or inflammatory foods (root causes).
    • Digestive issues treated with medications (symptoms) ignore food sensitivities, gut microbiome, etc. (root causes).
    • Colds are symptoms, not the issue itself. Address with immune system support, not just symptom-relieving meds.
  • Takeaway: While managing symptoms is essential, digging deeper to identify and address root causes is crucial for long-term health and preventing recurrence.
  • Actionable Tips:
    • When experiencing symptoms, don't ignore them but don't stop there.
    • Explore and investigate potential root causes through self-reflection, research, or healthcare professionals.
    • Consider dietary changes, gut health support, immune system strengthening, and addressing inflammation.
    • Remember, finding true health is a journey, take it one step at a time.

This episode emphasizes the role of food in holistic health and encourages identifying and removing inflammatory foods while incorporating those that support your body.


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Jolene - Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

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